Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I am exhibiting this piece of spam that I received in my hotmailbox because I (artist) think it's a really fun use of language-about-food that will be cool for visitors to the VCU-PAPR-MFA blog to consider while they're (you're) celebrating Thanksgiving. Go ahead and click on Sam McCoy's links.

Dear Fellow Citizen,
One man has uncovered a surprising device that has grocery stores running scared...
With this set of plans (discovered by ancient Babylonians, but proven by modern scientists), you can slash your grocery bill to almost nothing while getting mouthwateringly delicious foods:

Click here to see the quick 6 minute FREE video
explaining this brain-dead simple system

The best part is, this device works OVER and OVER again...
Once you see how this device pumps out food, you'll understand whygrocery stores have got to be panicking over the general public getting access to it.
You can get nearly unlimited food for just pennies on the dollar...

>> Watch the video instructions now <<

- Sam McCoy
P.S. With the crazy popularity the plans for this device are receiving it could be forced off the Internet at any time.  Please watch these instructions now

Tuesday, November 19, 2013